General Donation
The Foundation believes our community values innovation in public education and supports a
life time of learning. A general donation will help provide enhanced and enriched educational
opportunities for Prairie Spirit School Division students.
**NEW** SARCAN Donation: Donate to SARCAN using the word “LEGACY” and the value of your return will be placed in the LEGACY Fund on your behalf!
When a donation to any SARCAN in Saskatchewan is made anyone can designate the value of their bottle return ‘funds’ using the word “LEGACY” and it will go towards the Foundation’s Legacy & Memorial Fund for use in professional development opportunities for educators in our Division. It’s easy – here’s how:
Make your trip to SARCAN really count! DONATE the value of your order to the Foundation’s LEGACY Fund – all year long!
1) At home, separate your recycling – put plastics, cartons and aluminum cans into bags, put glass beverage containers into boxes. Don’t forget to include milk containers!
2) Visit a SARCAN Depot and look for “Drop & Go”.
3) Follow instructions on the screen. Type LEGACY when prompted to enter the group phrase.
4) The amount of your order will be processed and paid directly to PRAIRIE SPIRIT SCHOOLS FOUNDATION.
The group phrase LEGACY works at ALL 72 depots across the province, so your friends & family all over Saskatchewan can donate too!
Visit to find all of the SARCAN Drop & Go hours & locations.
In Memory
An “In Memory” donation is a unique way to honour a special friend, family member, teacher or
colleague who has passed away. If you like, an acknowledgement of your gift (amount not
disclosed) will be sent to the family of the deceased person. You will receive a tax receipt for
your in-memory donation.
In Honor
An “In Honor” donation is a unique way to honor friends, family or other people special in your
life. If you like, an acknowledgement of your gift (amount not disclosed) will be sent to the
person you are honouring. You will receive a tax receipt for your tribute donation.